THCMEs Legal Team
Currently, THCME has a handful of jurists and lawyers attached to the association. The Legal Team will firstly help the association and in the longer run its members and employees to manage themselves with the boundaries of the law. Right now the law is in a transition phase and the Legal Team will counsel and guide the association and its members until the use of cannabis medicine as well as the growth and production hereof is fully legalized in Denmark and clear rules in the area are established. THCMEs Legal Team will amongst other things contribute to the production of information material that will enlighten the association’s employees, members and others that might be interested in THCMEs doings and opinions. This material will be available on THCMEs home page, the intranet and can be requested in physical form through mail or in THCMEs Social Clubs.
All of THCMEs focus areas and projects will be obligated to pay all legal fees, taxes, salaries etc. It is THCMEs Legal Team’s responsibility, in close cooperation with the central board and future local boards, to make sure that the rules in force are being upheld. The association will furthermore be affiliated with a state-authorized public accountant and a bookkeeper to insure that all rules are being obeyed. In the beginning different bank accounts will be opened, one for membership fees, one for legal fees, one for VAT etc. This is done to create complete transparency. A system will be put in place to secure that VAT, taxes, legal fees etc. are being paid in accordance with the rules.
THCME is already now seeking voluntary jurists and lawyers to be a part of our future Legal Team, who’s most important job is to contribute to a development in the laws that affects cannabis medicine and THCME. If you would like to hear more about, how you can become a part of our Legal Team, you can send us an e-mail via our contact form.